Thought I would make it official.
I just don't have any interest in blogging....I am in a weird funk :(
Sorry I havent been keeping up with anyones blog either....i dont know what going on with me.
I hope i get over it soon. The boys and I love you all
Nutball News from Butterball and Benny
First time blogger and corgi owner, blogging about her adventures of owning two nutty dogs.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Secret Santa!
The boys and I participated in the Corgi Butts secret santa!
We recieved some pretty awesome gifts from
Krystal over at The 7 dwarfs.
Here is some of the cool things she sent us :) sorry about my bad photography and butterball who looks half demonic/asleep :) at least benny looks cute right?
Krystal sent the boys these cute little christmas collars which i love to death myself!

She also sent this adorable leash holder that her fiance handcrafted

Here is some pictures of the treats her coworker handmade for my little ones.....there wasnt much to take pictures of because yes, my little fatties ate majority of them already :)
(i didnt know how to take pictures of the treats so i put them on my bed :D) it is time for treat pictures.....butterball tends to get a little crazy/demonic looking :)

I hope the pictures are okay......we loved our gifts Krystal!!!
Thank you!!
We recieved some pretty awesome gifts from
Krystal over at The 7 dwarfs.
Here is some of the cool things she sent us :) sorry about my bad photography and butterball who looks half demonic/asleep :) at least benny looks cute right?
Krystal sent the boys these cute little christmas collars which i love to death myself!

She also sent this adorable leash holder that her fiance handcrafted

Here is some pictures of the treats her coworker handmade for my little ones.....there wasnt much to take pictures of because yes, my little fatties ate majority of them already :)
(i didnt know how to take pictures of the treats so i put them on my bed :D) it is time for treat pictures.....butterball tends to get a little crazy/demonic looking :)

I hope the pictures are okay......we loved our gifts Krystal!!!
Thank you!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
November Update
I know I am a horrible blogger. I really do not know what to talk about anymore so I will talk about my thanksgiving with Daniel and the boys.
Yes Daniel and I are back together, I realized that I was being selfish and when he got home he explained why he cant talk that much. I am learning to be more supportive and to let him make the decisions for himself about him future. I think he has decided to enlist, I understand why now. He still plans on continuing his education and the good thing is he can not be deployed until after he graduates. I understand why he thinks this is a good idea, the military will pay for his schooling now, he will get paid for the next four years, and the military will pay for any education in the future. Daniel coming home was really nice and it was definitely needed at the time. He comes home after finals until January and the boys….well butterball is sure excited.
The boys recognized Daniel when he walked into the door they greeted him and gave him kisses. Butterball loves Daniel because Daniel plays rough with butterball. Butterball is a weird dog, he doesn’t like petting or nice play he likes it when people pat his head hard and push him around and wrestle with him. I don’t know where I went wrong but he sure a weird dog who eats EVERYTHING. I’ve become a mean mommy because I take all his toys away when I catch him eating it or if I see if its too small for him to play with anymore. Benny liked Daniel at first but then he realizes that I wouldn’t be home much and he wasn’t allowed to snuggle up with us. He began moping around until Daniel left, and now Benny is back to normal since he has me all to himself.
My mom made a thanksgiving dinner early for just her, my brother, Daniel and I. I am sure the dinner was great, but I couldn’t really taste anything since I am sick…..I am sure my mom gave the boys turkey because Benny was sick that night. Thanksgiving day, I went to Daniel’s family dinner. I was nice seeing his family again. Again I ate food that I couldn’t taste and we played board games. It was a nice night. I hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving!
Here is Daniel and I before he left....Yes i look like poop because i didnt know pictures would be taken.

Daniel and I took the boys to the snow for the first time! It was a lot of fun. Butterball loved it of course, but Benny was a little apprehensive. We will definitely take butterball back but not Benny.
here is some bad quality pictures. i forgot to turn on the flash and i couldnt figure out why it was on (i had to setting off) because i was too excited to stop and figure it out.

Before Daniel came home, I started getting sick. I still have not gotten over it. I hope that this sickness is over by the time Daniel gets home.
I have final exams coming up soon, so I apologize for my absence in blogging and commenting on all of the blogs I follow….I do read them though!
Last night I signed up for my classes…..I am definitely going to be busy this semester. I am taking six classes. I got into the pharmacy program but since the classes were full I was only able to get into one class for that. I am also taking English, reading, history, anthropology, and sociology. Registering for classes is a bit stressful. I am definitely excited that I will actually be busy this semester. Last semester I didn’t feel like school kept me busy enough….although the driving sure did. For the fall semester I have been driving about 200 miles a week to school and back. So I am lucky that I was able to find classes close to me, instead of driving to the three campuses in different locations.
I plan on blogging soon! Oh, and I have to go shopping for my secret Santa gift! I am so excited because this is my first secret Santa gift exchange and I am excited that this will be my first Christmas with both boys! And butterball’s birthday is coming up too!
heres some more picture of the boys

I hope you all have a great December!
Love Karen, Butterball, and Benny.
Yes Daniel and I are back together, I realized that I was being selfish and when he got home he explained why he cant talk that much. I am learning to be more supportive and to let him make the decisions for himself about him future. I think he has decided to enlist, I understand why now. He still plans on continuing his education and the good thing is he can not be deployed until after he graduates. I understand why he thinks this is a good idea, the military will pay for his schooling now, he will get paid for the next four years, and the military will pay for any education in the future. Daniel coming home was really nice and it was definitely needed at the time. He comes home after finals until January and the boys….well butterball is sure excited.
The boys recognized Daniel when he walked into the door they greeted him and gave him kisses. Butterball loves Daniel because Daniel plays rough with butterball. Butterball is a weird dog, he doesn’t like petting or nice play he likes it when people pat his head hard and push him around and wrestle with him. I don’t know where I went wrong but he sure a weird dog who eats EVERYTHING. I’ve become a mean mommy because I take all his toys away when I catch him eating it or if I see if its too small for him to play with anymore. Benny liked Daniel at first but then he realizes that I wouldn’t be home much and he wasn’t allowed to snuggle up with us. He began moping around until Daniel left, and now Benny is back to normal since he has me all to himself.
My mom made a thanksgiving dinner early for just her, my brother, Daniel and I. I am sure the dinner was great, but I couldn’t really taste anything since I am sick…..I am sure my mom gave the boys turkey because Benny was sick that night. Thanksgiving day, I went to Daniel’s family dinner. I was nice seeing his family again. Again I ate food that I couldn’t taste and we played board games. It was a nice night. I hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving!
Here is Daniel and I before he left....Yes i look like poop because i didnt know pictures would be taken.

Daniel and I took the boys to the snow for the first time! It was a lot of fun. Butterball loved it of course, but Benny was a little apprehensive. We will definitely take butterball back but not Benny.
here is some bad quality pictures. i forgot to turn on the flash and i couldnt figure out why it was on (i had to setting off) because i was too excited to stop and figure it out.

Before Daniel came home, I started getting sick. I still have not gotten over it. I hope that this sickness is over by the time Daniel gets home.
I have final exams coming up soon, so I apologize for my absence in blogging and commenting on all of the blogs I follow….I do read them though!
Last night I signed up for my classes…..I am definitely going to be busy this semester. I am taking six classes. I got into the pharmacy program but since the classes were full I was only able to get into one class for that. I am also taking English, reading, history, anthropology, and sociology. Registering for classes is a bit stressful. I am definitely excited that I will actually be busy this semester. Last semester I didn’t feel like school kept me busy enough….although the driving sure did. For the fall semester I have been driving about 200 miles a week to school and back. So I am lucky that I was able to find classes close to me, instead of driving to the three campuses in different locations.
I plan on blogging soon! Oh, and I have to go shopping for my secret Santa gift! I am so excited because this is my first secret Santa gift exchange and I am excited that this will be my first Christmas with both boys! And butterball’s birthday is coming up too!
heres some more picture of the boys

I hope you all have a great December!
Love Karen, Butterball, and Benny.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
A Long Update
Here is an update that is pretty random and long (mostly about me). I hope you all are doing great! I have some catching up to do!
The boys are doing great….but they are not use to the time difference so they wake me up at four in morning by jumping on me, barking, wrestling on top of me, or scratching at the door. I am not a morning person at all so this makes me very unhappy. Today butters threw something up….I went to look at it an it was part of his toy…..I am so happy he threw it up because I had no idea he swallowed it. I am definitely taking away any toys he tears up and I am really going to watch him when he plays with them. I went on a little run with butterball the other day and he is a great running buddy!! Sadly, he did better than me…..I haven’t went running since sophomore year of high school when I had PE. So I am really out of shape.
The boys and I didn’t do anything for Halloween. Since it landed on a Sunday I went over my grandparents house. I go spend the night at their house on Sunday night and Tuesday because my school is only a few minutes away. If I didn’t do that I would be driving about 30 miles in traffic really early in the morning. I just got my license in July so I am not that experienced of a driver….so I don’t feel like stressing out in the morning. Next year I plan on making their costumes to match mine…..I might even dress the boys up for Christmas. I am pretty excited that this will be my first Christmas with both of the boys!!
My brother(Kenny) and I have been spending a lot of time with each other. We have always been close. We do everything together and he takes me out on dates and gets my flowers.
I’ve decided to start decorating my room since I didn’t decorate it (everything is my sister’s)….so far I have a new bed spread, a lamp, and I am thinking about painting my room, and getting new furniture.
Daniel and I broke up…..he never has the time to talk since it is a military college….I guess I am not very supportive of him….lately he has been talking about joining the military and this makes me very unhappy….I can barely deal with him being away for college….but another four years for the military…I don’t really want to go through that. We are trying to work things out…but not much progress has been made. Maybe when he comes home, we will be able to talk face to face and work things out. But right now I am feeling a lot of resentment….I know its stupid but I feel like he would rather do everything else besides be with me (he tells me all the time he hates that school). Any advice? I don’t have friends since I focused all my time into school and Daniel while I was in high school..
School is going great. I have all A’s, but I am a little worried about my English grade since it is a really low A. As you can probably tell, I am not the best writer in the world, so I struggle a lot with writing essays. One good thing that has come out of writing a certain essay is it helped me decide what I want to do. Our topic was how a liberal arts education benefit’s the career you are going to enter. Well, I thought I wanted to be a doctor but it turns out I wouldn’t really like it. So after all my research I decided to research pharmacy….turns out I am very interested in it….so I took the time to research pharmacy schools and it turns out they want you to have some experience in pharmacy. So I am going to take the pharmacy technician program at my school. I already applied for it, but its acceptance is based on first come first accept. So I am crossing my fingers!! It will set me back a little on my general education, but oh well! I will have a better chance of getting into pharmacy school later, I will have some knowledge on pharmacy, and I will have a job! It will take me three semesters if I devote all my time to the program and if I get the classes I need. One semester will be an externship. I am pretty excited!
Back to talking about the boys….they are getting along great they play all the time and the sharing thing with butters is getting better. Butters has learned that if he wants a toy Benny has, then he needs to go play tug-a-war for it. I am still working on barking with butters….he barks at everything. Its getting rather annoying. I think I just need to make sure I correct him every time he barks. Advice again? I uploaded a couple photos of the boys….I am sad to realize that I haven’t taken any pictures of the boys lately….and I am planning on taking the boys out more and taking pictures! Maybe then I will have a lot more to blog about!

I hope everyone is doing great!!
Have a great weekend
Love Karen, Butterball, and Benny
The boys are doing great….but they are not use to the time difference so they wake me up at four in morning by jumping on me, barking, wrestling on top of me, or scratching at the door. I am not a morning person at all so this makes me very unhappy. Today butters threw something up….I went to look at it an it was part of his toy…..I am so happy he threw it up because I had no idea he swallowed it. I am definitely taking away any toys he tears up and I am really going to watch him when he plays with them. I went on a little run with butterball the other day and he is a great running buddy!! Sadly, he did better than me…..I haven’t went running since sophomore year of high school when I had PE. So I am really out of shape.
The boys and I didn’t do anything for Halloween. Since it landed on a Sunday I went over my grandparents house. I go spend the night at their house on Sunday night and Tuesday because my school is only a few minutes away. If I didn’t do that I would be driving about 30 miles in traffic really early in the morning. I just got my license in July so I am not that experienced of a driver….so I don’t feel like stressing out in the morning. Next year I plan on making their costumes to match mine…..I might even dress the boys up for Christmas. I am pretty excited that this will be my first Christmas with both of the boys!!
My brother(Kenny) and I have been spending a lot of time with each other. We have always been close. We do everything together and he takes me out on dates and gets my flowers.
I’ve decided to start decorating my room since I didn’t decorate it (everything is my sister’s)….so far I have a new bed spread, a lamp, and I am thinking about painting my room, and getting new furniture.
Daniel and I broke up…..he never has the time to talk since it is a military college….I guess I am not very supportive of him….lately he has been talking about joining the military and this makes me very unhappy….I can barely deal with him being away for college….but another four years for the military…I don’t really want to go through that. We are trying to work things out…but not much progress has been made. Maybe when he comes home, we will be able to talk face to face and work things out. But right now I am feeling a lot of resentment….I know its stupid but I feel like he would rather do everything else besides be with me (he tells me all the time he hates that school). Any advice? I don’t have friends since I focused all my time into school and Daniel while I was in high school..
School is going great. I have all A’s, but I am a little worried about my English grade since it is a really low A. As you can probably tell, I am not the best writer in the world, so I struggle a lot with writing essays. One good thing that has come out of writing a certain essay is it helped me decide what I want to do. Our topic was how a liberal arts education benefit’s the career you are going to enter. Well, I thought I wanted to be a doctor but it turns out I wouldn’t really like it. So after all my research I decided to research pharmacy….turns out I am very interested in it….so I took the time to research pharmacy schools and it turns out they want you to have some experience in pharmacy. So I am going to take the pharmacy technician program at my school. I already applied for it, but its acceptance is based on first come first accept. So I am crossing my fingers!! It will set me back a little on my general education, but oh well! I will have a better chance of getting into pharmacy school later, I will have some knowledge on pharmacy, and I will have a job! It will take me three semesters if I devote all my time to the program and if I get the classes I need. One semester will be an externship. I am pretty excited!
Back to talking about the boys….they are getting along great they play all the time and the sharing thing with butters is getting better. Butters has learned that if he wants a toy Benny has, then he needs to go play tug-a-war for it. I am still working on barking with butters….he barks at everything. Its getting rather annoying. I think I just need to make sure I correct him every time he barks. Advice again? I uploaded a couple photos of the boys….I am sad to realize that I haven’t taken any pictures of the boys lately….and I am planning on taking the boys out more and taking pictures! Maybe then I will have a lot more to blog about!

I hope everyone is doing great!!
Have a great weekend
Love Karen, Butterball, and Benny
Friday, October 1, 2010
Randomness and Winning the Photo Contest
I really don’t know what to blog about anymore. So I’m going to ramble a bit. Sorry if it’s a bit scattered.
The boys and I don’t do much since I am never in the mood to do anything. I do play with the boys at home and I love watching them wrestling around the house. Although I have to monitor it because they get a bit rough and run into things. My mom thinks its hilarious how I yell at them and tell them “NO PLAYING ON THE STAIRS!!”. They love to do that and they don’t listen very well. Haha my mom says its like having children.
I haven’t taken the boys to the dog park because their tummies are a little weird lately and I don’t have anyone to go with. Daniel used to go with me to the dog park almost everyday and it makes me sad to know he cant go with me. We had a mishap with the changing of food and I had to put them on a rice and chicken diet while I adjusted them to a new brand. I think they were allergic to the other kind.
Last night Benny threw up in my bed….I’m not sure what’s wrong with him but Benny and Butterball are trash dogs. We’ve been having a problem with ants lately and my mom sprayed the trash can. I am thinking that maybe Benny got into the trash and got a little bit of the ant killer. I really have to watch him.
School is going okay. I know I have B’s in my math and chemistry class but I am not sure what I have in English. Its kind of stressing me out. I pretty much need A’s because I am at a community college. I’ve finally decided on what I want to do. I am going to be a chemistry major and then hopefully get into medical school. I’m not sure exactly what I want to pursue in the medical field but I’m aiming for doctor. Only time will tell. I’m still trying to figure out what school I am going to transfer to when I finish my general education. I have to take into consideration that I have Butterball and Benny so I don’t want to go too far away…although I would love to attend school somewhere up north.
Daniel isn’t liking college…..well, military college anyway. The first year at the Citadel consists of getting hazed, being pushed around, being the doormat, cleaning, shining, and following orders from everyone and anyone. I miss him a lot and I cant wait for him to come home for thanksgiving break. After thanksgiving he will go back to school for about two weeks then come back home for Christmas break. I am very excited. I hope that butterball remembers him….it would be sad if he didn’t.
A couple months ago I came across this face book page for Petkiss Products. They were having a smiling pet photo contest so I decided to enter butterball’s smiling photo. I had completely forgotten that I submitted a photo when Petkiss announced that Butterball won! We were sent some of their products. The boys love them! They are natural products which is great! We received treats and some stuff to give the dogs to help with their joints, breath, teeth, and best of all shedding. I spray the stuff into their food and it’s suppose to help. Only time will tell! So here’s photo time!
Here are all the winners!

Butterball and Benny opening the stuff we got!

I hope you all have a great weekend and give your babies some extra lovin from Benny, Butterball, and I!
The boys and I don’t do much since I am never in the mood to do anything. I do play with the boys at home and I love watching them wrestling around the house. Although I have to monitor it because they get a bit rough and run into things. My mom thinks its hilarious how I yell at them and tell them “NO PLAYING ON THE STAIRS!!”. They love to do that and they don’t listen very well. Haha my mom says its like having children.
I haven’t taken the boys to the dog park because their tummies are a little weird lately and I don’t have anyone to go with. Daniel used to go with me to the dog park almost everyday and it makes me sad to know he cant go with me. We had a mishap with the changing of food and I had to put them on a rice and chicken diet while I adjusted them to a new brand. I think they were allergic to the other kind.
Last night Benny threw up in my bed….I’m not sure what’s wrong with him but Benny and Butterball are trash dogs. We’ve been having a problem with ants lately and my mom sprayed the trash can. I am thinking that maybe Benny got into the trash and got a little bit of the ant killer. I really have to watch him.
School is going okay. I know I have B’s in my math and chemistry class but I am not sure what I have in English. Its kind of stressing me out. I pretty much need A’s because I am at a community college. I’ve finally decided on what I want to do. I am going to be a chemistry major and then hopefully get into medical school. I’m not sure exactly what I want to pursue in the medical field but I’m aiming for doctor. Only time will tell. I’m still trying to figure out what school I am going to transfer to when I finish my general education. I have to take into consideration that I have Butterball and Benny so I don’t want to go too far away…although I would love to attend school somewhere up north.
Daniel isn’t liking college…..well, military college anyway. The first year at the Citadel consists of getting hazed, being pushed around, being the doormat, cleaning, shining, and following orders from everyone and anyone. I miss him a lot and I cant wait for him to come home for thanksgiving break. After thanksgiving he will go back to school for about two weeks then come back home for Christmas break. I am very excited. I hope that butterball remembers him….it would be sad if he didn’t.
A couple months ago I came across this face book page for Petkiss Products. They were having a smiling pet photo contest so I decided to enter butterball’s smiling photo. I had completely forgotten that I submitted a photo when Petkiss announced that Butterball won! We were sent some of their products. The boys love them! They are natural products which is great! We received treats and some stuff to give the dogs to help with their joints, breath, teeth, and best of all shedding. I spray the stuff into their food and it’s suppose to help. Only time will tell! So here’s photo time!

I hope you all have a great weekend and give your babies some extra lovin from Benny, Butterball, and I!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
and the new name is...
Nutball News from Butterball and Benny
Thanks Jenny and Stanley for the name :)
and I want to thank everyone who suggested names and who voted :)
I had a great time with this!
Butterball, Benny, and I hope you all have a great weekend!
Thanks Jenny and Stanley for the name :)
and I want to thank everyone who suggested names and who voted :)
I had a great time with this!
Butterball, Benny, and I hope you all have a great weekend!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Soccer Ball Fun
Benny and Butterball showed interest in my brother's new soccer ball so we got an old one and let them have some fun :)

*sorry about my voice, i am sick so i sound really funny*
PS. In a couple day i will post what the new name of my blog is going to be :) thanks for your help! i really enjoyed doing this!
have a great Sunday!!

PS. In a couple day i will post what the new name of my blog is going to be :) thanks for your help! i really enjoyed doing this!
have a great Sunday!!
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