The boys and I don’t do much since I am never in the mood to do anything. I do play with the boys at home and I love watching them wrestling around the house. Although I have to monitor it because they get a bit rough and run into things. My mom thinks its hilarious how I yell at them and tell them “NO PLAYING ON THE STAIRS!!”. They love to do that and they don’t listen very well. Haha my mom says its like having children.
I haven’t taken the boys to the dog park because their tummies are a little weird lately and I don’t have anyone to go with. Daniel used to go with me to the dog park almost everyday and it makes me sad to know he cant go with me. We had a mishap with the changing of food and I had to put them on a rice and chicken diet while I adjusted them to a new brand. I think they were allergic to the other kind.
Last night Benny threw up in my bed….I’m not sure what’s wrong with him but Benny and Butterball are trash dogs. We’ve been having a problem with ants lately and my mom sprayed the trash can. I am thinking that maybe Benny got into the trash and got a little bit of the ant killer. I really have to watch him.
School is going okay. I know I have B’s in my math and chemistry class but I am not sure what I have in English. Its kind of stressing me out. I pretty much need A’s because I am at a community college. I’ve finally decided on what I want to do. I am going to be a chemistry major and then hopefully get into medical school. I’m not sure exactly what I want to pursue in the medical field but I’m aiming for doctor. Only time will tell. I’m still trying to figure out what school I am going to transfer to when I finish my general education. I have to take into consideration that I have Butterball and Benny so I don’t want to go too far away…although I would love to attend school somewhere up north.
Daniel isn’t liking college…..well, military college anyway. The first year at the Citadel consists of getting hazed, being pushed around, being the doormat, cleaning, shining, and following orders from everyone and anyone. I miss him a lot and I cant wait for him to come home for thanksgiving break. After thanksgiving he will go back to school for about two weeks then come back home for Christmas break. I am very excited. I hope that butterball remembers him….it would be sad if he didn’t.
A couple months ago I came across this face book page for Petkiss Products. They were having a smiling pet photo contest so I decided to enter butterball’s smiling photo. I had completely forgotten that I submitted a photo when Petkiss announced that Butterball won! We were sent some of their products. The boys love them! They are natural products which is great! We received treats and some stuff to give the dogs to help with their joints, breath, teeth, and best of all shedding. I spray the stuff into their food and it’s suppose to help. Only time will tell! So here’s photo time!

I hope you all have a great weekend and give your babies some extra lovin from Benny, Butterball, and I!
Congrats on winning!! Great prizes for sure! :)
Blogging can get hard at times.. Just write/blog when you feel like it :)
congrats on winning! loved Butterball's picture and all the goodies he got for winning! I think being a doctor would be a great thing to get into, Karen, especially if you have the "brains" to do so! thanks for the update on Daniel; I was wondering how he was doing. I enjoy reading whatever you write, whether it is about the dogs or what is going on in your life, I'll look forward to reading it. I'm thinking Butterball won't have forgotten Daniel. There are friends of my son's that know Koda and even though they don't come by often, when they do, Koda always does remmeber them. Since Daniel was such a part of Butterball's life, I know Butterball will remember him!
Congrats on the contest! That's a great pic that won :)
That must be hard having your boyfriend far from you :( At least you have the boys to keep you company!!
Good luck with school!
Awww - two smiling corgis won! :D
Yo're having a difficult time right now - being the only one at home and trying to make life decisions. A walk with the dogs can relieve lots of stress, or even just some play time at home.
Don't feel guilty if you don't feeli like blogging, it is supposed to be fun, not a monkey on your back! But we do so enjoy your entries!
Love, Dozer and Cooper
Just joined the blog! :)
i missed this post because i was in argentina!!. i miss you posting, please post again!!! what did u do for halloween????? :) i wish we lived closer (as i always say), cause id totally go to teh dog park with ya!!! and hey! if u end up going ot school up here in norcal, that would be so cool! yea. i was undecided on a major going into college, so dont owrry too much about that. at least for me, i did not have to declare much of anything until the second year, well, because the first two years are usually for general ed. :) say hi to the b boys for me!
and congrats on winning the contest!
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